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When planning to revamp your home exterior colors and materials, it can seem like an overwhelming project to coordinate. Choosing your colors, or at least getting a solid idea of what types of colors you’re looking for, is an excellent starting point.
It would be awful to get into your project and realize that your new front door looks crazy next to your new siding.
Today, we’ll go through some tips and tricks to plan colors for your windows, siding, roofing, and doors that look gorgeous together.
If you truly have no clue where to start, take a look at the architectural style of your home.
For example, if you have a Greek revival home, you might want to choose traditional home exterior colors like white siding and trim with black shutters, a dark-colored door, and a dark roof.
It’s also a good idea to keep in mind the other houses on the block if you want to keep a cohesive curb appeal for the street. If they all have neutral colors, for example, you might want to start with neutrals.
When creating a color pallet for your home, consider color in three major groups: the main color, the accent color, and the trim color.
The main color is what covers most of your home (the canvas). In this case, you’ll have two main colors: the siding and the roofing. While the siding will play the bigger role here, you’ll still have to consider how the accent and trim colors interact with the roofing.
The accent color is what you’ll choose for the doors and maybe the windows. Since it’s in such a small area, this is where to add a pop of bold color if you want one.
The trim color is exactly what it sounds like: the color for all of the trim around the windows, doors, corners of the home, and other accessories.
When creating your home exterior color palette, it’s important to ask yourself how you want feel when you look at your home.
If you want to feel calm, choose a palette with cool tones, like blue siding, a grey roof, and white trim.
If you want to feel bright and happy, choose a palette with warm tones, like yellow siding and a brown roof.
Not everyone works on feeling, though. That’s okay, too.
Deciding whether you like harmonious colors or contrasting colors is a good place to start.
Look up a couple color palettes.
Do you like something like tan siding, a brown roof, brown door and shutters, almond windows, and almond trim?
Or, do you like white siding, a black roof, red door, black shutters, and white windows and trim?
Once you move from your first project into your second, you need to know if you’re trying to compliment or contrast.
When going into your home exterior makeover, you have a better shot if you have all of your colors at least in mind.
You might change your palette along the way, but at least you have a plan to fall back on.
If you need help choosing home exterior colors or want someone to replace your windows, siding, roofing, or doors, contact us.
We’d be happy to schedule a free in-home estimate where one of our knowledgeable representatives can go over your project in detail.
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